Pop-up Pavilion
The goal of this four week long group project was to create a pop-up pavilion that can be put together in 15 minutes and at least 6 ft tall in order to learn a sense of visual order in 3 dimensions, and to explore interactions between human body and the space. Our only source of material is cardboard. My group and I decided to go with an organic look created by over 500 two dimensional hexagon units. Each of the units have 3 slits in order to connect to eachother and stay connected by solely friction. Because of this organic look, each time it was reconstructed, the pavilion looked completely different. The willingness to redo the pavilion constantly allowed us to see the many different ways our pavilion could look and the best ways, structurally, that the pavilion would stand up. The pavilion is only touching the ground on one point of each of the nine hexagons at the lowest point of the pavilion. Craft, consistency, structure, and revising are the key concepts that related specifically to our design and the design process.